What is Ocean Policy?
Learn about ocean policy and its objectives, international ocean governance and its importance and the application of ocean policy in Canada.
What is a Blue Economy?
Learn about the blue economy, its characteristics and objectives, and understand the application of blue economy in real world scenarios.
Climate Change and Recreation Inquiry
Learners will use GreenLearning’s Spark Inquiry Model to examine the impacts of climate change on recreational areas and activities, identify the mitigation and adaptation measures required to address these changes, and take action.
Climate Change in My Municipality Inquiry
Learners will use GreenLearning’s Spark Inquiry Model to examine the impacts of climate change where they live, identify the mitigation and adaptation measures required to address these changes, and take action.
Climate Change in My Watershed Inquiry
Learners will use GreenLearning’s Spark Inquiry Model to examine the impacts of climate change in their watershed, identify the mitigation and adaptation measures required to address these changes, and take action.
Extreme Weather Inquiry
Learners will use GreenLearning’s Spark Inquiry Model to examine the impacts of climate change where they live, identify the mitigation and adaptation measures required to address these changes, and take action.
Qu'est-ce que la politique océanique?
Découvrez la politique océanique et ses objectifs, la gouvernance internationale des océans et son importance et l'application de la politique océanique au Canada.
Quel est l'objectif d'une économie bleue?
Découvrez l'économie bleue, ses caractéristiques et ses objectifs, et comprenez l'application de l'économie bleue dans des scénarios du monde réel.
Climate Change through Historical and Contemporary Art
Learn about climate change through explorations of historical and contemporary art in Canada! GreenLearning has collaborated with Art Canada Institute to create this guide which contains 3 different learning activities from 3 different artists. Available in French!
Les Changements Climatiques par L'Art Canadien
En savoir plus sur les changements climatiques par l'art Canadien! Ce guide pédagogique est le fruit d’une collaboration entre l’Institut de l’art canadien et GreenLearning