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Featured Resources for February

Science • Grades 7 - 12

Construire un Four Solaire

Les étudiants travaillent dans de petits groupes pour construire un four solaire et pour tester son efficacité. Les étudiants vont aussi identifier les aspects de construction du four solaire, et noter les étapes et modifications.

Science • Grades 5 - 8

Demonstrating Electrical Induction

This activity is designed to help learners understand electrical induction and provides learners with an opportunity to reinforce the concepts of manipulated variable and responding variable in an experiment. Learners will undergo four experiments which pose problems and will develop predictions. Learners will then test those predictions as part of the activity.

Science • Grades 5 - 8

Demonstrating Magnetism

This activity is designed as an educator demonstration rather than a learner activity, recognizing the difficulties learners might have working with magnets and iron fillings, and that schools may not have class sets of bar magnets. The overhead projector provides a clear view of the demonstration. The clear base compass can help learners visualize the nature of the magnetic field around these two types of magnets.

Science • Grades 5 - 8

Electron Flow

This activity uses a diagrammatic approach to teaching about electron movement in conductors. Learners will use diagrams to describe electron movement and direction. Learners will work cooperatively to make observations about negative and positive charges using balloons.

Science • Grades 9 - 12

Energy Transfer in Nature

In this activity learners will understand Earth’s energy budget, the movement of water and air around the Earth and the potential impacts of global climate change on Earth energy systems.

Science • Grades 7 - 12

Exploring Energy Storage in Your Community

Learners will explore a type of energy storage of their choosing and relate it to their community.

Science • Grades 7 - 12

Exploring How to Make a Battery

Learners will explore battery types for energy storage.

Science • Grades 9 - 12

Food Analysis

In this activity, learners will understand how energy is stored in different foods by looking at the role of the major food molecules, their digestion and storage. Learners will identify whether a food item contains sugars, starches, fats and proteins, and expand their knowledge of the make-up of different food items.

Science • Grades 7 - 12

How is Your Community Adapting For Electric Vehicles

Learners will heighten their understanding of electric vehicles in their community.

Science • Grades 9 - 12

Human Metabolism

In this activity, learners compare daily energy requirements of individuals at various stages of growth and activity levels and understand how metabolism works in humans.