Webinars and Events
Life-long learning continues all year round with our range of insightful webinars and events led by industry experts, education leaders and environmental professionals. Discover a variety of learning and professional development opportunities to enhance your knowledge or better prepare you for teaching about the environment. Register today!
* Please note that time zones for all events listed are EDT / EST.
Upcoming Events
Explore past webinars
Take Me Outside Week: Ripples of Change
Join us to celebrate Take Me Outside week! We will be delivering an interactive workshop for students across Canada.
Science Literacy Week with GreenLearning
From September 19-23, 2022, we are joining NSERC to celebrate Science Literacy Week in Canada! The theme for 2022 is "M is for Mathematics", so we are showcasing our newly updated Canadian energy calculators. These calculators are a great tool to help students draw connections between math and energy conservation.
For The Love Of Trees with Emily Carr
Discover who Emily Carr was and how witnessing the clearcutting of forests in British Columbia influenced the focus of her work. In this session, we’ll explore some of the principles and elements of design Carr used to create our own majestic forest landscapes.
Earth Month Kick Off: Designing a Sustainable Schoolyard
This interactive workshop will experiment with surface permeability and stormwater filtration as we explore how to make our schools and communities more resilient to flooding events.
Join the GreenLearning Community
Be part of a diverse community. When you join us, you will be able to access all of our free resources and fun challenges.