Webinars and Events
Life-long learning continues all year round with our range of insightful webinars and events led by industry experts, education leaders and environmental professionals. Discover a variety of learning and professional development opportunities to enhance your knowledge or better prepare you for teaching about the environment. Register today!
* Please note that time zones for all events listed are EDT / EST.
Upcoming Events
Explore past webinars
Earth Month Resources from R4R and GreenLearning: PD Workshop
Our partner Learning for a Sustainable Future's R4R database has everything you need to kick off the month and dive into this year's Earth Day theme: Planet vs. Plastics. On April 3rd (7-7:30pm ET), we'll be diving into our own R4R resources in a professional development webinar showcasing easy, accessible lesson plans that connect Earth Day themes to your curriculum!
Outdoor Learning Store x GreenLearning: Resources for Earth Month with Special Guest Ariana Roundpoint
Length: 60 minutes, Intended for Educators
Addressing Secondary Eco-Anxiety Through Solutions-Focused Challenges (STA)
This session will explore how GreenLearning's solution-focused environmental challenges can empower and inspire learners about their future and combat their feelings of eco-anxiety.
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