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Featured Resources for February

Science • Grades 7 - 12

Introduction to Solar Electricity

Learners will learn about solar heat and how it can be converted into electricity using photovoltaic cells.

Science • Grades 7 - 12

Introduction to Solar Heat Energy

Learners will learn about solar heat energy and how it can be harnessed in various technologies.

Science • Grades 6 - 12

Introduction to Wind Energy

In this activity, learners will understand how wind can be harnessed to generate electricity and will learn about the benefits of wind energy as a renewable energy source.

Climate Change • Grades 7 - 10

Location Matters Inquiry

This investigation takes learners through the inquiry process to discover how transportation is a significant factor in helping people in cities decide where they will live. It uses the RBC & Pembina Institute Location Matters report.

Science • Grades 7 - 12

Planning a Trip in your Electric Vehicle

Learners will learn how to plan a road trip with a given scenario while ensuring the car has enough power along the way.

Science • Grades 7 - 12

Pumped Hydro Storage

Learners will learn about the importance of a pumped hydro facility and design and build a model.

Science • Grades 3 - 12

Spiral Inquiry Model

GreenLearning's Spiral Inquiry gets learners excited about research and investigation. New inquiry models that encourage open-ended and learner-centred investigations are now key components in provincial curricula across Canada, and our Spiral Inquiry method is a robust model that's clear and helpful to educators and learners.

Science • Grades 7 - 12

The Electrostatic Effect

Learners will investigate the electrostatic effect, its connection to Coulomb's law, and technology to the correct type of energy storage.

Science • Grades 7 - 12

What EV Should You Buy?

Learners will work in groups to determine what electric vehicle is best suited for each type of person in the given scenarios.

Science • Grades 7 - 12

What is Renewable Energy?

Learners will understand the difference between renewable and non-renewable energy, and explore the benefits of renewable energy.