Taking learning and playing outdoors can offer children more than just exercise and fresh air- it provides opportunities for connecting with the environment, fostering growth and sparking creativity. Research has shown that learning outdoors boosts cognitive abilities and enhances memory skills, further helping students apply their learning to real life. Not only is it beneficial mentally, but physically as well. Outdoor learning can reduce anxiety, build self-esteem and enhance the well-being of learners (De Lannoy, 2023). To learn more about the benefits for learners, check out Outdoor Play Canada. When students are given the opportunity to engage in outdoor activities, they explore nature and create a connection with it, and they can also develop skills such as creativity and collaborations. By incorporating outdoor learning and play, teachers can inspire students to develop a deep appreciation for our planet.
Students in Action
In October, GreenLearning hosted a Ripples of Change Contest with Take Me Outside (TMO) where students were encouraged to create nature mandalas. Teachers from across Canada shared their students’ mandalas and over 150 mandalas were added to our eCard gallery. “You could see the student’s joy and pride in showcasing their mandalas and it was so great to see so many educators taking their learning outside,” said Meghan Owen of GreenLearning. Head here to check out all of the beautiful mandals that were made! Take Me Outside Day was October 23rd, and the TMO organization had a full week of fun, filled with activities, speakers and prizes. Each day was a different theme including Indigenous Knowledge and Ways of Knowing on Monday, and Environmental Education and Climate Change on Tuesday. Check out the full schedule and past workshops here. Rachel Cumpsty of Take Me Outside said, “Thank you to everyone who participated in the 14th Annual Take Me Outside Day from October 21st-25th! Take Me Outside Day 2024 was a huge success with participating educators and learners spending more than 6.2 million hours outside over the week! Throughout the week over 17,000 educators and 470,000 learners joined for a full week of celebrating outdoor learning.”
Student Resources
Outdoor learning can occur all year round. The TMO Winter Challenge takes place starting in February 2025 and lets everyone know that outdoor learning and play can take place in every season! Check it out here. GreenLearning’s website also offers many free resources and programs that teachers can use to take learning outside. One idea is the Community Walk. Students will take a walk around their community and track energy usage, noting the number of lights on in the houses nearby or the amount of chargers for electric vehicles. Another idea is the Take Action: Plant a Tree activity where students can plant trees and learn how they can help with things like flood protection. Head to our resources page for more activities you can do with your learners outdoors. The Outdoor Learning School and Store is another great place for resources, kits, and webinars.
Incorporating outdoor learning and play into student’s education offers a wealth of benefits that go far beyond just physical activity. Outdoor environments have the ability to provide a dynamic space where learners can grow and explore. Educators can encourage their learners to interact with nature to equip them with critical skills that they can use in social and academic settings. So, whether it be through a Take Me Outside event, a GreenLearning activity, or taking your regular lessons outside, students are given the chance to step outside, become part of their environment, and develop skills that will help both inside and outside of the classroom.
“Their minds were not built to sit and be taught. They were built to explore, play and learn.” - Layla Gordon Lu
De Lannoy, L. (2023, July 19). The Conversation: Outdoor education has psychological, cognitive and physical health benefits for children. Outdoor Play Canada. https://www.outdoorplaycanada....