Webinars and Events

Water is Life: Place-Based Climate Education (ESTCA)

Feb 18, 2022

This session will explore how GreenLearning's solution-focused environmental challenges can empower and inspire learners about their future and combat their feelings of eco-anxiety.

From the most common natural disaster in Canada, flooding, to microplastics in our waterways, water can be an entry point to learn about the impacts and solutions to climate change. This session will take an in-depth look at the lessons, digital tools and solution-focused challenges of two of GreenLearning’s programs: Flood:Ed and Eco 360: Transitioning to a Circular Economy. Discover how to easily implement these free resources into your classroom and inspire your students to both understand and feel empowered to take action on these complex environmental issues.

This session is part of the the Endless Skies Teachers' Convention February 18, 2022.